Core PHP, Laravel or WordPress, What is a Wise Choice for a Product Owner?

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Every product owner has been going through the dilemma of what to choose between Core PHP, WordPress and Laravel for a really long time. Which is why we thought of solving this confusion so you can choose the right technology for your upcoming product. 

As Michael J Gelb said

Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity.”

Keeping that in mind we have made it our mission to turn your confusion into creativity, and for that we have decided to present a head to head comparison of all the three technologies. 

As a web application development company, we have tried covering all the factors a product owner must be aware of. So there’s no need for you to run your research, because we have already got that covered!

This comparison is done keeping in mind all that a product owner should know about. So, you don’t have to wander from one article to another, because we have it all!
So without any delay.

Let’s get started!

In this article, we will cover:

  • The difference between CorePHP and its frameworks
  • Advantages and disadvantages of both. (so you know what is best for you)
  • The difference between Laravel and WordPress 
  • Advantages and disadvantages of both.
  • When to use what?

So, dig in and figure out what’s best for you.

Let’s start with a simple question, How are web applications made?

Web applications are made using tools that are called frameworks and, of course, programming languages.

According to W3 Tech’s data 78.9% of all websites use PHP and its frameworks. 

Hence, you can imagine how important it is to understand at least the basics of it.

How do these Frameworks Function?

Programming languages are the supporting pillar of frameworks.

Simply, a framework is the culmination of different types of programming languages, design patterns, libraries, etc. which makes the process of web app development much faster and easier.

So what makes CorePHP and PHP Frameworks different?


CorePHP works without any extra library, which a PHP framework can not, thus it is essential that your developer has firm knowledge of PHP programming if you need to create a dynamic website. 

A developer’s thorough knowledge is mandatory when it comes to developing your application through core PHP since it uses the purest form of the PHP script.

Core PHP has a copious set of functionalities available, eliminating the need for coding the same thing again and again, saving you time during the development process.

The PHP framework usually has a structured set of rules; hence the code can be quickly passed to another developer. 

Whereas, in Core PHP, each developer uses different codes, making it very challenging for other developers to understand it. So, you will need the same developer to work on your project throughout, and maybe even in the future.

Hence, the PHP framework saves a lot of time when the project needs to be handled by more than one developer. 

Frameworks also make sure your developer doesn’t write bad code, which ensures no corrections have to be made by the end, resulting in faster development of the project.

Let’s look at it more simply, suppose you have to solve 3*3*3*3*3.

If you choose to multiply each number by number, you will get 243, and if you do it by a calculator, you would still get 243, the only difference would be the time you put into solving that problem. 

Similarly, Core PHP solves the problem step by step, while PHP Frameworks work as the calculator.

The result would be more reliable in the latter case, since the process is easily understandable by all, while when you go step by step, there are high chances you may make mistakes or other people don’t understand your steps.

What happens inside a framework?

Frameworks have made developing an application a lot easier; it is consistent, reliable, and accurate. 

The framework allows more than one developer to contribute to the project, making it reach high levels of accuracy. The need for coding, again and again, is eliminated when you use a framework, so you have proper control on the web application. 

The developers can easily coordinate and combine the programming codes into one platform. 

The team of developers can control the projects that need document support or database support.

The best thing about a framework is that it allows many developers to contribute to one project, which boosts up the development process of your product.

To develop your application smoothly, it is necessary to choose your scripting language wisely. To do that, you must know what advantages and limitations it comes with.

Pros of PHP Frameworks

  • Quick Development: 

A business owner needs to launch his product before his competitions do, and if that is your aim, using a PHP framework for your app development would be the best decision. 

A well-structured PHP builds its application on the best implementations to most common problems from the open-source community. 

It eliminates the need of you spending a lot of time planning what architectures or which library you should use to create your app, you can directly start from a fully-functional template. 

  • Re-checked:

As frameworks are open-source and any developer can work on it using some other developers’ code, it gets continuously validated by multiple developers and is re-checked time and again. Thus, there are low chances of making mistakes. 

Make sure your developer keeps the codes updated to secure your app from any security threat.

  • Easy to maintain:

Since different developers can work on the same code, you don’t need just one individual to fix bugs or find glitches on your application. 

Another factor that makes maintaining your application trouble-free is its shared components.

You can dump a little of your load on the frameworks developer since the framework’s library, and helpers is developed separately.

  • Teamwork:

Since PHP Frameworks use MVC (Model View Controller) as its base, it allows various teams to work on the same project in the same duration. There might have been times where your product’s development deadline was pushed back due to the inability of one team, hampering the development of the other. As in, the product would only move to stage 2 when stage 1 is completed. But that’s not the case anymore. If you use the PHP framework all your teams can collaborate on it at the same time. All in all, your application would be a combined effort of all the developers together. 

  • Strong Community:

If you are planning on staying in the market for a long long time, then you must choose PHP frameworks to build your application on.

A strong community base can determine the future of your application. If you search the web, you’ll find a lot of applications that faded away with time.
And what was the reason? There were no or very few developers to support it.

Believe me, your development can come to an halt if your developer has no one to solve her/his queries with.

So to make sure you are here to stay, you must look at the strength of the community the framework comes with. 

If your doubts are solved, you would obviously be able to overcome all hurdles.
Not just that, the stronger the community base the more you plugins, extensions, libraries and support your developers will have.
And it will ultimately show in your application.

  • Strong Coding Standard:

A product owner with a non technical background may not be able to check the coding standards of their developer, but that doesn’t mean things can’t work out the way they want.
Choosing a framework is the wisest choice a product owner can make. These frameworks come with inbuilt standards that the developer has to follow.
If you build your application using frameworks like Zend,Yii or Laravel you would in a way ensure that all the security parameters are in check.
It also ensures that critical functionalities like authentication are done in a structured way. 

If we compare Core PHP with PHP frameworks, both of their significant attributes.
But here it’s easy to mould the developer in developing in a set structured way.
See, Core PHP doesn’t limit the developer so following the standards is totally dependent on the experience the developer holds.
Whereas, in a PHP framework, the developer would have to follow set structures to develop the application. So there are very less changes of things going haywire.
So there are not many risks to expect in a PHP framework.

  • On point Security:

The built-in features and tools of a PHP framework protects the web application from external hazards, these security hazards can be anything likeSQL injections or data manipulation or anything else.
Which product owner would want their applications to be exposed to security threats?
To avoid any such hazards PHP framework is the smartest choice.

Cons of Using PHP Frameworks

  • Using the PHP framework may be the best for you, but only when your developer masters the core PHP language. To use PHP frameworks, the developer must be thoroughly aware of the codes, syntax, and classes. It is impossible to start straight away with PHP frameworks. It is more complicated than what it might look like. 
  • The framework of your application will always be externally dependent i.e, it can be controlled by someone else too, although this is not something you should be scared of but it is worth considering the factor.

What is Core PHP?

Core PHP is the base of all the PHP frameworks out there. So, not until your developer knows how to work on Core PHP, s/he might not be able to work on the frameworks as well.

Developing your application through Core PHP would allow you to build a dynamic app that allows you to test your limits and your developer to go beyond the set frameworks.

However, you have to choose how you wish to build up your website. What would be the best for your project? Is it Core PHP or is it PHP frameworks? 

To figure that out we must dig into its advantages and limitations.

Let’s go then!

Advantages of Core PHP

  • Flexible:

As a product owner it is important to generate something new, something fresh that is not yet in the market. You might have amazing ideas for your application, but the set structure of the framework doesn’t allow your developer to execute those fresh ideas.

That won’t be the case anymore with Core PHP.

Since it is custom-based, it has become a great platform for you to execute your ‘out of the box’ ideas on. 

  • Hassle-free:

Since you have no library, you have minimum additions to creating your website, and this does away with the hassle of building an app through a framework.
It goes easy on your developer and it is time efficient too.

Limitations of Core PHP

  • Expensive:

Custom PHP development using Core PHP will bring you great results but could fall a little too heavy on your pocket.

If the budget is not a problem, this is the best pick.

  • Security:

The open-source nature of the CorePHP can sometimes act as its disadvantage too, since there is no licencing, anyone can make his contribution to the core libraries, or developers might find glitches if any and use both these factors to manipulate the source code.

  • Not recommended for large applications:

 Programming large applications could be a difficult task using CorePHP. Since the language is not modular, maintaining a large application could be hard to do.

There are many sites that are built using the PHP technologies, big names like: Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Tumblr, Flicker and many more.

Naming them all would be a tough task since 78.9% of sites use PHP language

Another two most popular web development platforms are Laravel and WordPress.

Both these platforms are widely prefered by product owners to build their websites on.

“Almost 60 million websites are built on WordPress, while around 1 million websites are built using Laravel. Remember, we are talking in millions.”

It makes this evident that both the web development platforms are eminent, but why is that? How can you figure out which one is best for you?

We have tried to distinguish between the two in the easiest way possible.

Let’s start with the basic definitions of both.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is free for all open-source content management systems (CMS) constructed on PHP and MySQL.

 It was released in the year 2003 by the WordPress Foundation. Now it is used by 60 million websites covering 30% of the top 10 million web locations, which is why it is considered to be the most popular CMS in the world. 

It is used for creating and managing blogs as well as websites and provides astounding features like plug-in architecture and template system.

It is easy to manage, easy to edit, and easy to update.

What is Laravel?


Laravel is an open-source free for all PHP frameworks. It was developed by Taylor Otwell and was released in 2011. 

The primary purpose of Laravel is to build applications and deal with complex tasks efficiently.

It has been released with built-in features for authentication, views, sessions, routing, models, etc. It is based on a set of reusable PHP components known as Symfony.

Product owners all around the world prefer Laravel to build their apps, not just this. 

Its recent version, Laravel 7, is the best-rated PHP framework on Github.

What are the differences between WordPress and Laravel?

The code is well organized and is reused as it grows, solving most problems.The code has to be maintained by the developer in a structured way
Thorough knowledge of the framework is a must to develop the code. Easy to start with building up the app.
Laravel gets better with time. It provides a lot of features like authentication, authorization, inversion of control, etc. Wordpress takes care of the authentication through its well-established plug-ins.
It would take a lot of time and effort to develop a website that is entirely content related. SEO friendly structure.
Everything can be controlled and customized. Content can be customized through themes and plug-ins.
You can use or design the database the way you want to. Wordpress relies on static data; hence database is not required.
Compared to WordPress, the community base is not very strong. Wordpress has a robust community base.
It is a Framework. It is a content management system.
Less flexible if an update or change is required.You can easily edit out the content and update it if required.

Advantages of WordPress

  1. SEO friendly structure
  2. A neat permalink structure
  3. It can assign multiple categories to a post
  4. Customization through plug-ins
  5. Content editing via visual editor
  6. Strong community support
  7. Formatting and styling of texts through automatic filters.
  8. Unified link management.
  9. Provision of all your backups
  10.  Low cost website buildup
  11. Even a non-technical person can maintain the site
  12. Availability of lots of plug-ins and themes.

Some very famous sites that are using wordpress are: BBC America, The new Yorker, Sony Music, MTV News, YouTooCanRun, PressBooks, Focused on Fit, Study Church, Hello Bar and many more.

Advantages of Laravel

  1. Developer friendly structure
  2. Simple authorization and validation process for web apps
  3. Customization possible with packages
  4. Automated tasks are easily manageable
  5. Executed authentication system
  6. Consistent database migration
  7. Fast and trouble-free app deployment
  8. Strong community base
  9. Highly recommended for big projects.

Some sites that are built using Laravel as the framework are: Fox 47, Toyota Hall of Fame, Startups, Camping World, Asgard CMS, Cachet, Fusion Invoice, etc.

When to Use WordPress?

If you need a website, you can consider using WordPress. 

It is highly recommended to use WordPress when you want to build up a blog, or a non-profit site, or a B2B or B2C lead generation, or a membership site, a community bulletin, or a simple personal blog.

If something needs to be developed in a short period, WordPress is the most excellent option of all. Consider choosing this for light-weight projects.

However, It is not recommended to build an E-commerce website through WordPress, although you can, it may not be feasible. 

It’s better to use the site for what it’s famous for.

When to Use Laravel?

If you are developing a web application and need to go beyond the current app structures or you want to bring out what is not still available in the market, this is the best you can choose. 

You may consider choosing Laravel for heavy-weight projects.

Since Laravel builds up complex apps simply, there’s not a better framework you can choose.

What you need to choose among these for your site is dependent on what type of website you need to develop.

Now that you know the pros and cons of the above software, you would be able to decide what is suitable for you.

Sakshi is a technical content writer at Hestabit. She understands the intricacies of writing, and her writing style is eloquent and compelling. She focuses on facilitating growth and cherish writing blogs that are informative and worthy. She understands the market scope and always targets the highest goal.

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