6 Tips To Ace Your Video Marketing Campaign?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

If we think about video marketing, the first that comes to mind is; a kickass and marketable video. You can find such videos here, there, everywhere, and it’s not an overstatement. The kind of traffic they are pulling in is simply mind-boggling.

So, the success of your video marketing campaign depends on how good you are at creating such videos.

Let’s look at some of the stats, to see how important video creation is.

  • On Facebook, around 100 million hours of video content is consumed on a daily basis.

  • In America alone, Netflix is responsible for 37% of Internet traffic.

  • On YouTube people watch an hour of video (on an average), every day on mobile devices.

  • 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

  • In 2018, 48% of businesses trusted YouTube for their inbound marketing.

You might be wondering about the reasons for such an incredible inclination. According to Animoto, people who want to watch a video on a product are 4 times the people who prefer to read about a product.

One of the surveys done by HubSpot stated that 43% of people wanted video content from marketers. So as a marketer, you need to ace your video making skills.

Here are a few key points that will help you create an immersive marketing video.

1. Your marketing video should have a clear value proposition

Any marketing content, even if it’s a video, has to have a clear value proposition.

Just read the following statements:

“We make windows”

“We make windows that can withstand ferocious winds”

The first statement simply tells people that you make windows, but the second one creates an image in viewers’ minds and adds value to your product. Viewers get an idea regarding what to expect from your product.

That being said, you must avoid forcing a message. It’s a trap, so avoid falling into it. Especially if you are a first-timer, you might be tempted to tell everything about your product, say, about quality, pricing, and support. There is no need to go to that extent.

You don’t need to put your entire sales pitch into your marketing video. It’s more about creating the first impression. People don’t know you or your product, so be gradual in your approach. Focus more on giving a demo of the product. Simply tell what your product does and what value it holds.

You can always create a series of videos, to cover the entirety of your product.

2. Believe in showing rather than telling

Through a video, you don’t just pass on the information. Great marketing videos must give an immersive experience. If you truly understand your audience, then you can tap the right emotions with your videos.

But how to do that?

Don’t tell viewers about your product. Just show them what your product is.

The classic example is that of Blendtec. They claim to make blenders that can blend almost anything. But they don’t just tell you this, they literally show it to you.

Just watch their video series called “Will It Blend?”. You will see the founder blending the household objects. It may seem bizarre, but it does create an impact on viewers. They are simply showing how powerful their blender is.

To add to that impact, he picks a product that has a powerful image in the minds of viewers and blends it. Can you guess the product?

An iPhone.

Once you see that happening, the first thing that comes to mind is, “Man, what this blender will do to a banana?”.

3. Be clear with the scope of your video

Once you are clear with your objective, it’s time to decide the video type and understand its scope.

  • Is your marketing video a demo for a web service?

  • Are you making a video on a physical product?

  • Is your marketing video conveying personality and purpose?

  • Do you intend to make a funny video for branding purpose?

  • Are you targeting potential business partners and investors through your video?

For each of the above type, the scope is different.

For instance, if you are making a demo video for a web service, you can go with animated sequences or even screenshots, to show how your product works.

You may require the help of a professional to create flawless animations. To make it more engaging and professional, you can use a voice-over to narrate the sequence. But it will work only when you have a solid narrative for your video.

4. Put text in your videos

Today, most people come across videos on Facebook or Instagram while they are casually scrolling through. Most of the times they don’t even turn the sound on.

Just think of a scenario when the same people will come across your marketing video and won’t turn the sound on. It will hurt you badly.

So the best way to avoid such a scenario is to add text that prominently appears on the screen. We are not talking about subtitles, but chunks of text that you can use throughout your marketing video so that the viewers don’t miss your intent at least.

Just take care of your video’s aesthetics and don’t clutter it with too much text either.

If your videos have dialogues, then you can always put in subtitles. That’s a no brainer.

5. The opening of your video matters

The first few seconds make or break your videos. You need to create a hook using fantastic or unique opening lines, to make viewers watch the entire video.

If you have a physical product, then you just can’t place it on a table without having proper lighting. The product should be perfectly lit, and the environment around it should be clean and precise.

Videos using a dynamic background grab more attention than the ones using a static background. You can either talk about your idea by sitting on a chair in front of a wall, or you can walk around your house and do the same.

The latter will appear more engaging to viewers. It will make you more real. Also, you can act spontaneously while walking around. Spontaneity always results in gripping videos. We bet, no one would want to click on “Skip Ad”.

Just avoid sitting or standing in front of a white wall, giving sermons. Those days are gone for good.

6. You have an iPhone, that’s great. But don’t use it to make professional videos

If you are bootstrapping, then the above statement doesn’t hold. But if you are not, then you better work with a professional.

No one is questioning the marvelous quality of iPhones, but to create “100 million views” videos, you need other stuff.

The list includes lighting equipment, stabilization, microphones, backdrops, etc.

It’s also about the execution of the video. A professional will execute it with clockwork precision. Just imagine you create a marketing video but viewers are unable to hear anything because there is too much background noise or it’s too windy around. It will be suicidal for your product.

Hope you like the write-up and will start churning out some kickass videos. You can read an article of ours on Youtube marketing videos to understand more about the subject. We wish you all the luck.

Sadanand is a content curator and strategist. He understands the Startup gamut, be it ideation, product development, team building, sales, or marketing, and likes to keep up with the trend. His lucid writing style makes up for an intriguing read. His writeups are greatly followed and admired in various communities.

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