Email templates

4 Sales Email Templates That Never Fail

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Are you religiously making 50+ “follow-up” calls every day, to add to your sales pipeline? It’s an admirable thing but still, you can use sales email templates to ease the process.

Agreed, “follow-up calls” is an old school practice and its place will never be taken in the business world. But there are other strategies worth pondering over.

Just like cold calling, there are cold emails, that are even more relevant in the digitally driven world. Today, you need to have a solid ‘Cold Email Strategy’ which you can bring into your email marketing campaign.

So what are Cold Emails?

They are nothing but cold calls in the form of an email. There are various email templates that you can follow, depending on your understanding of prospects.

With the right tonality and a catchy subject line, you can significantly improve the open and response rate, and boost your leads.

Here are a few cold email templates that you can implement into your marketing campaign:

1. The ‘Hard Selling’ Sales Email

A hard sell is all about one thing: getting the person to make a purchase in the near term. Hard Selling is not everyone’s cup of tea, and people aren’t naturally good with it. But writing a ‘Hard Sell’ email can still be practiced, as you don’t have to interact with people over the phone or in person.

First thing first, you don’t send such emails to build a long term relationship. You just want to make a sale sooner than later.

There can be multiple outcomes of sending a ‘Hard Sell’ email.

  • If you send the email to the right person at the right time, the concerned person may ask for more information or may even set up a meeting.
  • The straightforward tonality of your email may not go down well with many people, and you may never hear from them again.

That said, there is no foolproof way to write an appealing email. You should try to know your potential customers as much as you can. How much direct can you be with them? You must figure this out.

So how to write one? Let’s understand it with an example:

Hey ABC,

Do you want to boost your business through an online presence? With a professionally designed website, you can boost your sales to a great extent.

A mobile-friendly website can take your conversion potential to the next level. Our expertise lies in redesigning your website to help you generate more leads and revenue.

If you understand the significance of a responsive and speedy website in turning the fortune of your business, then we would love to hear from you.

You may check the 100’s of positive reviews that our products have garnered on Clutch. That would make your decision easier.



The Takeaway From The Above Template

For some people, the language may be too direct. There is no algorithm for that perfect email anyway. It’s about how well you know your prospects. A bulk part of your audience may respond in an amicable way to your email.

2. The ‘Soft Selling’ Sales Email

In terms of language, there is a subtle difference between Hard and Soft sell, but that makes all the difference in perception.

Let’s understand this by an example: 

Hey ABC,

Be a marketing manager of my organization, I am always looking forward to prospects and their feedback on our services. This is how we understand their knowledge of our services.

It’s not that easy to find experienced professionals who know the industry inside out, but I am certain that you can help.

Our services include A1, A2, and A3, that you must be familiar with. Would you like to avail or learn about any of these services? I

I would love to hear your thoughts on this and understand your perspective, in case you have some time to spare.

Thank you for your time.



The Takeaway From The Above Template

The above is a pragmatic way to write an email. It’s not a wise move to push your product or service right away when you are addressing a conference or talking to someone over a phone call.

It’s always better to make some ground for yourself, by giving a brief introduction. Make sure that the tonality of your email is unassuming. Once that’s done, you can pitch about your company and your product.

Emails give you a lot more space to pitch your product in a reflective manner. So make it more informative and organic, and use “hard selling emails” only when all doors seem to be closed.

3. Blog Post Sales Email Template

To get more traffic to your website, it’s better to write as many blog posts as possible. It has been observed that posting between 15 to 20 blogs per month brings 3X more traffic than posting between 4 to 8 blogs.

You must be wondering how a blog post is related to an email marketing campaign. It is, in a big way.

Read the below example, and you will understand what we are talking about

Hey ABC,

Just wrote this blog recently tilted ‘AAA’, and I realized how relevant it is for your company and the industry you represent.

Through this write-up, I tried to explore different facets of social media marketing. There are quotes from various thought leaders as well.

I would appreciate your engagement and love to hear your thoughts on the write-up. Your feedback is most welcome. I would love to hear from an Industry expert like you.

Do send some of your favorite writeups as well.

Thanks for your time.



The Takeaway From The Above Template

This is a very appealing format. Make no mistake about it. Let’s see some of its advantages:

  • It gives you a genuine reason to reach out, and your email doesn’t seem to be selfishly motivated.
  • You come across as a person interested in sharing information and not just making a sale.
  • You can provide knowledge on a particular subject, which puts you in the good light.

4. The Free Advice Sales Email

Who doesn’t like free advice? If you have expertise then why not share it using an email. It’s always a productive way to interact with your prospects.

A free advice today can turn into a lucrative deal tomorrow.

When you write this kind of email, don’t forget to include the following:

  • Spend more words in explaining your expertise.
  • Mention the free help you are willing to offer.
  • Tell prospects about your method.

You can refer to the following template:

Hello ABC,

Being an expert in social media marketing, I have always helped my clients in upping their marketing game, so that they can leverage their presence on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and other popular platforms.

I happened to come across your social profile, and I was greatly impressed by what your company has achieved and is currently doing. Still, there are a few things you can do to take your marketing game to the next level. You can use better tools to target your audience more accurately.

I am willing to discuss some of the techniques and tactics in this regard over a call if you have time. It’s free of cost exercise, and I simply want to give you my two cents on the subject, and in the process learn more about your business.

I would love to share my findings on the subject and even share with you a report.

Do let me know if this sounds good to you. Thanks for your time!



The Takeaway From The Above Template

Don’t confuse this template with either Hard Sell or Soft Sell. It actually falls between the two. Your prospect knows that somewhere down the line you will pitch your product or service.

So to engage your prospect, you need to have a balanced approach. You cannot be too direct in your tonality. At the same time, you cannot play down the fact that your advice is free of cost and need to categorically mention that.

The idea is to not make your prospect feel too obliged to avail your expertise. If you achieve that, your email will serve the purpose.


There are a few more templates besides the above, but these four are primary. Sales and marketing people shouldn’t forget to send follow-up emails too, otherwise, they may not tap the full potential of cold emails.

Last but not least, never stop experimenting with email templates. Feel free to bring your personality into the draft. Who knows, you may create your own potent template.

We hope you found the writeup helpful.

Sadanand is a content curator and strategist. He understands the Startup gamut, be it ideation, product development, team building, sales, or marketing, and likes to keep up with the trend. His lucid writing style makes up for an intriguing read. His writeups are greatly followed and admired in various communities.

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