11 Brilliant Web App Ideas to Start Your Business With

Reading Time: 10 minutes

“The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.

Harry Golden (American writer).”

Well said Harry Golden. 

Nothing can beat you back to square one if you have a goal in mind, and you persistently strive to turn your daydreams into a reality. It is true that those who have huge dreams, don’t sleep much! 

Therefore, even when the world is battling to survive, the COVID pandemic bestowed on us by someone who went too exotic with dinner. 

Entrepreneurs are able to make it big with amazing web application ideas.

Entrepreneurs are able to make it big. 

Take an example of “zoom” the online video conferencing app, which was launched in 2011, and gained massive popularity during this lockdown. The total number of active users of Zoom was 10 million in December 2019, which increased to 300 million in April 2020, just in 4 months of the pandemic.

That is a perfect example of how great strategy and appropriate timing can leverage your business. 

However, if you are confused and questions like 

what to start with? 

Which technology should you build? 

What should be your first business plan? 

Bothers you day and night, then you have come to the right place. This write-up will give you some phenomenal ideas to take the initial step on the success ladder.

We bring for you ten such amazing web app ideas that are surely worthy of being your first project. 

Choose any, create it and launch it in your name. 

Wouldn’t it be amazing to get your first project right?

Unleash your potential with a great web app!

Let’s look at some exciting ideas for web app development: 

News Web App:


The hunger for knowledge is the quintessential human nature of all. With “The Relation” the first newspaper published in 1575, the knowledge transfer has been a constant. 

Since 1575 people have been engaging themselves in quenching their thirst for knowledge. From a single page newspaper to tabloids, and now we have made a massive transition to news apps as the time got modern. 

However, many people still like to start their day with a warm cup of coffee and some crisp news. The only difference is that the platform of these daily updates has been continuously evolving. The initial ones were too fragile even to fold, and the ones now can also be used while you shower. 

The size of news sources has shrunken, but the easiness has increased. 

In the current time, it is stupid to think that a news web app isn’t the right idea for your first project. 

It is one of the best web app ideas for startups to turn into reality. Why not develop a morning companion for all your users? 

You can launch a web app that covers all the news updates, headlines, current stories, breaking news, etc. you can also make use of the RSS feeds

Generating revenues through a news web app would not be cumbersome; you can easily find advertisers who want you to display ads on your site. And of course, you can do it for some cost. 

Web App for Renting a Property:

Website for renting a property

Finding the right property has become a total irritant. If you need to find the right property, you first need to find a good broker; if you don’t wish to involve a third person in your deal, then you can consistently and rigorously search your preferred locality. 

A single web app can quickly provide a solution to this constant hassle. Imagine building an application that provides you with information regarding the best property in your preferred locality, within your budget and with no liabilities of paying a broker. 

How amazing would that be? 

If you plan to develop an app, then a property rental can be the one for you to start with. 

If you fabricate an app that eases the tormenting task of finding the right property, you will not even have to put a lot of effort into marketing it. Just do enough to let your audience know that you exist, and they will come to you. 

You can generate income from those who put up their property on your web app or offer premium packs for premium properties.

Dating Web App:

Dating Website

Dating culture has become super popular in the modern era. Now people love to meet new people of the same and different cultures, make new friends, date new people. Dating is the contemporary romance of the 21st century. 

You can cultivate this new “dating age” into a revenue-generating technology. 

If you take a look at other apps and web app like Tinder, Zoosk, Match.com, and many more, you’ll find how popular these web app have become. The young generation continually uses these web app to find partners and friends. 

Youngsters majorly use these dating web app, and it is eventually moving to the middle-aged group too, but that’s a long shot. 

Anyway, a user can simply put in information like name, phone number, age, gender preference, and create an account. 

Talk to new people, meet them, date them whatever. 

Developing a dating web app is one of the most clever web app ideas of all time, considering the current approach of the young mindset. 

Launching a dating web app in your name is not just about keeping up with the trend; you can generate fantastic revenues with a dating web app. You can sell premium membership with distinct advantages to those who buy it.

For example, you can ask your users to get a premium package and then provide them with information about people who have liked them, verify them, choose their location for the search, etc.

Web App For Planning a Wedding:

Website for renting a property

Going to a wedding is a lot of fun, but arranging one. Huh! Very very tiring. There are thousands of things one needs to manage when planning for a wedding. 

One needs to find a useful store for a dress, a DJ, a good makeup artist, a decent location, and whatnot. It takes months to plan out a wedding in a way one likes. 

Just imagine how beneficial it would be for you to develop a web app that provides a simple way to manage everything easily?

You can kick start your business by developing a web app that lets a person manage all of that, a site that provides services of hiring the right person to satisfy the funder’s needs.

Your web app can provide people with the professionals they need, be it a hairdresser, a designer, a decorator, or whoever. Your web app can help people hire these professionals (with their portfolios) for their needs. 

Another great idea is to implement augmented reality into your web app. This virtual space would let a funder figure out where and how a particular arrangement would be made, where the flowers would go, and where the guest would sit. From anything to everything required in a wedding can be laid out just using one device. 

Not many are aware of any web app project ideas of this kind. This could be something new. The fresh idea you can take into the market and launch in your name. 

*flashes* instant popularity! 

Revenues with such web apps can be generated by charging some amount from the wedding planner and some from the resources you are helping in getting hired. 

Storytelling Web App:


We all remember the times we were little and our parents and grandparents used to tuck us in the bed and tell us all sorts of stories, funny, motivating, morally high, exceptionally magical with fairies flying. 

It is one of the most beautiful memories of our lives. 

So why not create a web app that never lets you run out of these wonderfully magical, dreamy stories? 

You can launch a web app that has a culmination of all the beautiful stories our grandparents used to tell us. You can also hire a writer who comes up with new stories every week or so. 

Parents can use this web app to read to their children and keep on with the “storytelling legacy.”

You can also add an option allowing the device to read the story out loud. However, it would be challenging to integrate the human touch. 

Different accents can be added into the voice of the text-to-speech feature of your web app to suit different dialects. 

You can get the stories you publish, and patent in your name and then sell it to other publications; you can also make your web app available on a pay per month basis to generate revenues. 

Web App providing Funny Clips:

funny clips

The current times are a bit tough to get through. The pandemic, the protests, constant workload, and degrading environmental conditions pull us down whenever we plan to sit back and relax using the Internet. 

In times like this, it is crucial to find a way out of all the negativity surrounding us. Therefore, developing an application that offers only fun and laughter would be the best remedy for all problems. 

Right now is the best time to launch an application that provides pure humor and lightens a user’s moods. 

Develop a web app that users look forward to using. After a tiring day of working your users should come back to your site.

You can search the web, take out the funniest of clips, and make up a collection. And well, you have got yourself some content. It’s not just something your audience will be interested in, but it would be fun to create it too. 

Generating revenues from web app like that is a cakewalk. You will get thousands of investors interested in investing in your web app, many advertisers who would want to publicize their product on your site, and you can always generate money with the views and clicks.

Auction Platform:


Auction has always been a popular way to sell off vintage, valuable belongings of one person to the highest bidder. 

It has also been a popular way of generating funds for social causes. 

Auctioning stuff that is not relevant to the person, to someone else who needs it and is ready to pay a reasonable price for it, is the best way to sell things. 

An auctioning web app would help you to provide a virtual space for carrying out the process of auctioning with the public, without compromising on the bidding. 

You can develop a web app that works as an auction platform, wherein the auctioneer can upload a clear image of the product he wishes to sell, and people can come to make a bid at it. The auctioneer can eliminate the need of a bid caller and simply sell it off to the one who places the highest bid. 

Your web app can also arrange virtual auctions through video conferencing. Just set a date and time for the auction, and all the participants can join in at the given time and place their bids. 

It’s not just addictive, but you also gain something out of it and lose nothing. 

You can receive the commission from the amount a particular product has been sold to. 

Music Learning Web App:

Music is the soul of entertainment, and what is life without entertainment? Well, just bland! Around 50-55% of people listen to music every day, and the rest, occasionally. Many of these people want to learn singing or playing guitar, but due to lack of time and resources, they cannot pursue their “hobbie” and turn it into a career. This is where your app can come to their rescue. 

Almost everyone carries their phones with them at all times. Therefore, this makes your web application easily accessible and extremely time flexible. 

Through your web application, you can provide users with a music teacher and tutorials. 

Music teachers can create profiles that students can access, and they can choose who is the right person to polish their skills with. 

You can earn your money by taking a commission from the hired music teacher on each student. Or place a paid learning course on your web application. 

Online Gaming Web App:

Gone are the days when we used to rent video games just to play them for an hour. The internet has made accessing video games at any time, from anywhere possible. What can compliment this duo is a web application! 

You can develop a web application that allows many players to connect over the internet and simultaneously play games. Your online platform can let many games register themselves, and the gamers will have to create their profiles and get the game started. They can make up teams, host championships, and play individually or with a group. 

You can generate revenue by charging the service holder of the game on each downloader and visitor. You can also offer your platform for premium games and make money out of the commission.

Fundraising Web App:

A fundraising web application is necessary at such a technologically advancing time where new projects are being developed frequently. 

Mainly people develop their projects and then try to find a sponsor or a fundraiser. For making decent money, you can create a web application that allows users to post their unique project with a video of its working and ask people to fund it. Investors looking for any such unique idea can choose what they like and put their money on it. 

You can take a direct commission from the one funded by an investor or earn by posting advertisements of other websites and projects on your web app.

Here’s What’s Trending:

Keeping ourselves updated on everything that’s trending over the internet has become necessary for everyone. People do not want to showcase themselves as “unaware” for which they surf all kinds of social media to keep a tab on “everything new.”

So what if you provide the users with a platform that combines all the viral and trending news, media, videos, etc., in one place? So every time they hear their friends say, “what? You haven’t seen this yet?” they can simply open up your web app, type in the keyword, and know what’s been the talk of the town. 
You can, of course, make money out of this web application by allowing advertisements on the platform.


We hope this article helped you a bit to get some good web app ideas for  your startup. If you are set on taking your business online, you can surely take inspiration from the incredible ideas presented above. 

Choose what you want to deliver and get on with the work with an experienced web app development company.

You know that you can rock the market with these new, fresh, and fun web app ideas.

So ready to unleash your business potential? Develop a web app!

Sakshi is a technical content writer at Hestabit. She understands the intricacies of writing, and her writing style is eloquent and compelling. She focuses on facilitating growth and cherish writing blogs that are informative and worthy. She understands the market scope and always targets the highest goal.

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