Enhance PPC Conversion Rate: 8 Ways for Desired Results!

Reading Time: 11 minutes

If anything has always been in buzz and still is, it’s how to increase your PPC conversion rate. Everybody is striving to know how they can stack up against their competitor and cover more miles towards the highest point of achievement. 

But the question is why PPC management services are so essential to businesses?

The reason behind PPC services being so important is because of scalability, security, and success they provide to your business. They let you target desired visitors without being subjected to the challenges of search engine rankings. 

If we talk about the average PPC conversion rate across multiple industries, then it is around 3.75% for the search part. 

On the other hand, for display networks, it is somewhat 0.77%.

There is no set number as the conversion rate is different depending upon the type of industry. For example, while the Dating sector may enjoy the conversion rate for the search for as much as 9%, any legal sector like Advocacy would get around 1.9% only. And the PPC conversion on the Google display network for almost all industries is not that great. 

While, the benchmarks for different industries vary; they are still not enjoying any significant results. 

Therefore if your PPC conversion rate are not matching or are below the standard industry ones, it’s the high time to pay attention and make efforts to enhance them. 

Yet another question arises here, that is, how can the PPC conversion rate be increased?

Well, not just one, but multiple answers to this question are awaited ahead in this write-up. Moving forward, you would be able to establish a clear idea of how to start and increase your PPC conversion rate. And by the end, you’d undoubtedly be left more confident! 

But, as they say, we first need to brush off the basics and then land on to the advanced level. 

So, without waiting no more, let’s get started! 

Detailed Overview of PPC Conversion Rate

The PPC conversion rate refers to that particular percentage of PPC traffic you receive that actually converts into paying customers. 

Suppose, if a particular month, your PPC campaign gets you 100 clicks and out of them, 10 make the actual purchase by paying for it, your conversion rate for that month becomes 10%. 

On the other hand, we have the click-through rate. It is considered as the percentage of people who not just see your ad but also click it at the same time to arrive at your landing page. 

Suppose, if your page is viewed by 100 people and out of them, 10 people click on it, your click-through rate, in that case, becomes 10%.

When it comes to optimizing and analyzing an advertising campaign, the PPC conversion rate and PPC click-through rate play the highly important role of metrics. 

And boosting the conversion rate and click-through rate under budget is a sign of a significant increase in revenue. 

The appropriate optimization practices can let you enjoy a good PPC conversion rate and click-through rate. 

But, first, what is the ideal PPC conversion rate?

Let’s find out!

What’s the Ideal PPC Conversion Rate?

Talking about the ideal PPC conversion rate, it is above 10%. A good conversion rate has the capability to put you and your brand among the list of top advertisers. 

Also, the PPC conversion rate is not defined. It varies depending upon the type of industry, medium, or channel. You still should set the aim for a 10% or more conversion rate. 

The double-figure is not just what’s essential. What’s important is to move towards achieving better than what you had. 

Here are a few common PPC stats to go through. 

  • In eCommerce, AdWords search ads average click-through rate is 1.66%.
  • Google shopping ads average click-through rate is 0.86%.
  • In eCommerce, Adwords search ads average conversion rate is 2.81%. 
  • Google Shopping ads’ average conversion rate is 1.91%.

Types of PPC

While you are aware of the fact that PPC ads are an outstanding method to generate valuable leads for your business, did you know that it too has types?

With more exposure through PPC, the visitors have more chances of immediate conversions, compared to the organic traffic. 

But which type would be suitable for your business?

Here are the PPC types for you to choose from and decide which one goes best with your business for reaching more leads. 

Search Ads:

Having the title of the most common one, search ads are the ones that you see in the search results. These are the PPC ads that are visible on Google’s top and bottom areas of the search results page. They are even tagged with ‘Ad’ to symbolize that a particular one is the paid content. 

The search ads have only text and no visuals. And in order to get one developed for your business, you have to make use of Google Ads to build and set up your ad. 

Display ads:

Another PPC ad type is the display ads that you can use for the purpose of lead generation and conversion. They are there on Google’s partner websites, and rather than having an all text-based composition; they have text along with a photo. 

You can use display ads to target a particular segment of people that seem to be interested in your business. You can either set your own target market or target the set you feel have visited the sites similar to yours. 

Social Media Ads:

One of the most popular paid advertising types is won by social media ads.

They can be seen on social media feed on different platforms. With various incredible reasons and benefits, social media ads are an excellent way to connect with your target audience. 

To get started with social media advertising, it is first essential to choose the most suitable platform as per your business. Here are the options you get:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn

Remarketing Ads:

If the purpose of your PPC campaign is to re-engage your audience, remarketing ads are your type. 

For instance, there could be a situation where people may visit your website to look at the product/service you are providing but would not convert by paying for the same. They may need some time to think before taking action or wish to go with any other product or service. 

This is exactly where remarketing ads come into the play to bring back those potential leads. You can use them to make your likely lead come across that product or service again and choose your brand. 

Google Shopping:

Google shopping ads, too, are a part of the list of PPC ads types to generate leads. They come in the carousel format over the main Google search results page. Users can see the products and prices before having to click on a particular website.

It’s somewhat like the ‘Window Shopping’ with Google shopping ads. The audiences can go through multiple options for the same product from various companies. 

Local Service Ads:

The local service ads come under the category of exclusive paid advertising. However, this is just limited to only a few segments of the market, including – plumbers, locksmiths, electricians, doors companies, etc. 

If your business or firm belongs to any of these categories, you can very-well run a local service ad. They operate differently from Google ads. 

Instream Ads:

The ads that you see in YouTube videos are the Instream ads. The ads that come before or in between a video, the full-screen or a small sidebar ad along with the non-skippable ones, all are sponsored to gather some leads. 

Considering the fact that YouTube is the leading video streaming platform, placing your ad there sounds like a matchless opportunity to reach your target audience. With Instream ads, you can improve your chance of getting noticed by potential leads who browse through the videos. 

Being one of the well-known types of PPC campaigns, it demands you to put in some significant efforts. You are required to create an exciting and engaging advertisement for the audience to view and show interest in it. 

Gmail Sponsored Promotions:

Contributing to the options of expanding your reach, with Gmail sponsored promotions, you can grab some significant leads. You land right into someone’s inbox, at the top of the mailbox, with Gmail sponsored promotions.

These ads are almost similar to an email except for the ‘Ad’ tag that they have, and regular email doesn’t.

Also, they can be viewed in both the mobile app and the desktop. 

Once decided which type, you can move on to adapting ways to increase the PPC conversion rate. 

8 Incredible Ways to Improve Your PPC Conversion Rate 

Now that you have decided which type is suitable and required by your business, you need to look at ways that can help you with enhancing your PPC conversion rate. Here the top tips to look forward to: 

  1. Current PPC Conversion Rate Should be Known

As the point itself clearly suggests, it is highly essential to know your current PPC conversion rate before attempting to improve it. This would allow you to analyze how your present actions are working and which areas need to be touched. 

To do this, you have to track the conversions you are getting from your present campaigns. The data for the same can be retrieved using Google AdWords if you are already making its use for running your campaigns. Else, you can use other tools available. This, in turn, would make analyzing what’s working and what’s failing easier. You can even compare with your other multiple campaigns to understand where you are lacking in the present one, if you are! Further tactics can be implemented accordingly. 

On the other hand, if it’s just one campaign that you are running, you can compare and analyze based on month-to-month progress. This will allow you to know if you are going in the right direction with PPC conversion rate or something needs to be changed. 

Tracking at every stage avoids any hassle later!

  1. Build Better Landing Pages

‘The first impression is the last impression.’

And here, the landing page acts as your business’ first impression for people who click on your PPC ad. 

It is one of the most influencing factors for your PPC conversion rate. There is a high need for you to optimize it for enhanced conversion rate. 

Here’s how you can do it:

  • The first thing to do is to set a clear idea of what you want and need while developing and designing your landing page. Ensure and drive the action you’d want the visitors or your target audience to take. 
  • The headlines should be crisp and impactful and in a large font size to get noticed quickly. 
  • A relevant and resonating landing page is what can attract the visitors’ attention. Don’t forget to flaunt your product’s benefits and offers. It has to be impactful enough to persuade your visitor to take a significant and desired action. 
  • The CTA (Call-to-Action) should be visible and clear so that the visitors don’t have to put much effort into looking for it. Doing so would increase your chance of reaching the conversion stage.
  • You need to make sure that your landing page doesn’t take much time to load. Delay here and loss of opportunity there! 
  • If you have to get any sort of form filled from the visitors, make sure to keep it short and easy for them to complete. Don’t test their patience with lengthy forms. It would help with nothing but a decrease in visitor’s interest. 

If you still need more details than usual, try to divide the form into multiple page format. The progress would keep the visitor going. 

You look for adequate Pay Per Click services in the market to get your desired landing page developed as appropriate and desired by you. 

  1. Analyzing and Optimizing Purchase Funnel

There could be different paths adopted by people to purchase or avail a product or service, respectively. 

However, the typical conversion funnel is usually followed, from brand awareness to purchase a product/service. 

A person goes through the sales funnel in multiple ways. If you have managed to figure them out, you can successfully analyze, optimize, and increase your PPC conversion rate. 

It’s also important to check which medium is helping generate maximum leads, whether it is a mobile device or a desktop. Various tools such as Google AdWords can be used to get this data. 

Once you know which channel is benefitting you, you can work on the betterment of another one and overall create a flourishing environment for improving PPC conversion rate.

  1. Winning Ad Copy

If you wish your PPC ads to work in your favour, you need to have a winning ad copy. And the landing page too should have exactly what the ad says. 

Don’t sit, wondering that once a visitor clicked on your ad, you have grabbed your deal. 

Not really!

If you can manage to take the visitor to your landing page with the relevant and engaging ad, there will be an increased chance of a purchase happening. 

Both the ad copy and landing page are connected. They both require to be accurate, relevant, and exciting enough to make the visitor take the desired action. This will, in turn, reward you with improved PPC conversion rate. 

  1. Work on Ad Quality Score

Working on your ad quality score can boost up your PPC conversion rate extensively. 

Here are a few ways to raise the ad quality score:

  • Better experience on the landing page.
  • Right keywords usage.
  • Relevant ad copy.
  • Effective audience targeting.
  • Alignment and linkage of the ad copy with the landing page.

Once the ad quality score is improved, and on track, you can have a better chance at not just getting more clicks but also deriving more conversions from your PPC campaign. 

  1. A Shot at Remarketing 

Don’t worry if you feel like you fell short of productivity, and the results are not desired because you can always have a shot at remarketing. 

It is about presenting the ads again to the people who showed some interest in your product/service but didn’t make it to the buying level. 

This way, you can remind people and grab their attention again as they have shown interest before, and they are likely to do it again on an encounter.  

What can also be done is segmenting the lists for your remarketing campaign. For instance, Google Adwords allows you to divide the list and then remarket the ad to people on the basis of previously visited landing pages. They can even be redirected to the same landing page they visited before to persuade them to purchase. This method costs relatively low as the same people who showed interest earlier get targeted again. 

  1. Check for Negative Keywords

You may have heard of the right keywords. They are the life-saviours. 

It is essential to use the appropriate keywords to get appeared in the search results. 

But what’s also important is to look for is negative keywords. Identifying negative keywords and removing them is highly beneficial for enhanced PPC conversions. You avoid your ad from being shown for that keyword. 

Using the keywords that are doing you no good is just a waste of time and resources; rather, they can be termed negative. 

All you have to do is find the underperforming keywords in your search terms report and add them to the list of negative keywords. 

Doing so would not only reduce your budget but the cost per conversion as well. 

  1. Mention Exciting Offers

Exclusive and exciting offers are always welcomed. They can help you with driving more conversions. From free trial and coupons, to discount or free additional products, the offers come in many ways. 

They can be used as an advantage to improve PPC conversion rate. Incorporate an offer in your PPC ad to persuade the visitors to make a purchase. 

Just make a point that you do it when you can actually fulfill it. Fake promises or troubles with the same can cause your brand huge damage. 

Staying true to your audiences and offering the real value for their money can turn them into your extremely loyal customers. 


Running a PPC ad or campaign is no easy task. But it can be done with utter efficiency and productivity with knowledge, suitable methods, and the right PPC management services partner to help you out. 

Every factor needs to be considered beforehand. 

Is it the search ads you need or display ads, you have to think it through. Which portion of the campaign is lacking attention is in your hands to be corrected. 

Make sure to keep track of your progress to see if your existing ways are performing well. 

And if not, optimize your landing page more, generate a winning ad copy and align it with your landing page. Try to improve the ad quality score, identify and remove negative keywords along with providing exclusive offers. 

All this would undoubtedly result in improved PPC conversion rate complemented by better brand presence. 

Who knows, the next great PPC campaign comes from you!

Nishi is a content curator, strategist, and writer. Her curiosity to know about anything and everything supports her passion for writing. Nishi mainly possesses a good knowledge of research & analysis, networking, critical thinking, writing, and problem-solving, contributing to the long list of her skills. She also has an eye for the details, which allows her to keep an idea of something about everything.

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