Project Management

A Guide To Tackle Project Management Challenges

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Being an entrepreneur, a great business idea must be buzzing inside your head. With the right kind of tactics, you will find the right technology partner as well. No problems there.

But once you find your team, it’s about setting everything in motion. It’s about kickstarting your business and your project.

This is where most entrepreneurs experience a disconnect, as they have a limited understanding of project management. We definitely don’t want you to experience that.

There are some practical problems that you might face while collaborating with your technology or business partner, that can jeopardize the whole project.

For example, you and your technology partner may have cultural differences or both of you may be working in different time zones. In such scenarios, there can be a complete breakdown of communication.

This is where we want to help you out, by sharing our knowledge on project management. What we are sharing is entirely based on our experiences as a technology partner, a role which we have been successfully playing for many years now.

You can see it as a knowledge bank that we have curated just for you. This is how we have successfully overcome project management hurdles. We want you to succeed too.

1. Cultural clash between business partners – How to overcome it?

You won’t always find a business partner who belongs to your region or even your country. Different geographies lead to different cultures and work ethic, which can hamper your communication with your business partner.

Can you attain your business goals in such a scenario? It’s not that easy. There can be consequences if you don’t make an effort to understand each other’s culture. Read more…

2. How can business partners be productive if they are in different time zones?

It’s never easy for project managers to handle clients living in different time zones. You should cut your business partner some slack in this regard.

Due to different time zones, your productive hours may not overlap with that of your business partner.

That being said, there are ways to tackle this practical issue. Read more…

3. Virtual project management – All that you need to know

There isn’t a better way to supervise a workforce that is spread across different geographies and time zones than Virtual Project Management.

Wouldn’t you want your technology partner to remain in touch with you 24×7? With VPM, it is very much possible.

The idea behind VPM is to hire people who operate in different time zones so that there is no lag in communication between clients and service providers. Read more…

Sadanand is a content curator and strategist. He understands the Startup gamut, be it ideation, product development, team building, sales, or marketing, and likes to keep up with the trend. His lucid writing style makes up for an intriguing read. His writeups are greatly followed and admired in various communities.

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