
Perk Up Your Customer Experience Using Analytics

Reading Time: 4 minutes

You ask any business manager, and he/she will tell you, how analytics can help in enhancing customer experience and boost sales. According to research, around 90% of business managers are of the opinion that analytics can increase sales by 20%

Which right chords did you touch and what needs more attention is something you can find using analytics. If you are not relying on analytics, then you are simply hoping for the best.

You can’t do guesswork at the expense of customer experience. There are methods to assess the customer experience and improve upon it.

From the moment visitors come to your landing page till the time they check out, you must chart out their purchasing path. You can track their behavior, record their interaction with the support team, and question them about their dissatisfaction.

The first step is to come up with the right messaging for your product, and it’s a make or break moment. You can greatly push your brand awareness and drive sales if the messaging is apt, otherwise, things may go downhill from the very beginning.

The right messages need to be sent to the right customers. Analytics can help you segment your visitors into potential customers. Thereafter, you can send an exclusive product announcement to your marquee customers. Here’s a guide on choosing the right customers for your product.

You can also gather analytics on your existing customers and based on their usage pattern you can send them glimpses of your new product.

Some Examples

Let’s take the example of Snapchat, that launched their ‘Spectacles’ with a brilliant marketing campaign. They mapped out the places where they could place vending machines so that customers can purchase the camera sunglasses.

There are session recording tools like Smartlook, that can help you to analyze a visitor’s journey on your website. You can record actions and reactions, for the interaction between your product and visitors.

Lessons can be learned from Ben & Jerry’s, who used A/B testing to launch its peanut butter fudge ice cream. They figured out their customers’ expectations. Their customers were interested in knowing the nutritional facts about the product and they also wanted a store locator on the website.

Here are a few key points to remember to better use Analytics and enhance customer experience:

Customer Touchpoints

The perception of your brand depends on each and every customer interaction. Every customer interaction is a journey in itself and that journey has various touchpoints, which needs to be analyzed.

Every touchpoint requires a quick and effective response from your end. So you need to evaluate how you listen and respond to a customer.

Are you creating an ecosystem into which customers can blend? To the contrary, are you simply cluttering the experience with complicated or error-ridden processes?

Touchpoints give you an opportunity to reinforce your brand’s positioning and convert visitors into customers. You can do this by enhancing the quality of interaction, by addressing their queries and providing them crisp and relevant information.

Let’s take the example of Apple. The website is top-notch when it comes to navigation. Customers can avail the In-store demos to get into the shoes of the product. There is a consistent pathway, regardless of where the buyer falls in the sales funnel.

It’s all about creating personalized experiences for your visitors. Whenever a visitor interacts with a website or a product, he/she leaves digital fingerprints that can be analyzed to obtain intelligent information. You can understand how a visitor reacts to certain aesthetics or customers are doing or even how they’re feeling at that very moment,”

Create Seamless Experiences

Poor shopping experiences stay with customers and have a much longer shelf life. The last thing they want is to lose their way on badly designed websites.

You need to create websites that deliver information without challenging the awareness of visitors, but by understanding that awareness. This is how you create quality websites and platforms and broaden the acceptance of your brand.

Good websites are the ones that perceive customers’ behavior, anticipate their needs, and take them to the right areas. Let’s understand it by a simple example. If a customer comes to your website to read some writeups, then your blog link should be in the header, and shouldn’t be hiding in a dropdown.

Such small considerations can make a huge difference in the way your product or brand is perceived, say on social media, where customers generally drop their reviews of a product. Just remember, only one bad egg can spoil the bunch.

Heat mapping is a tried and tested method to enhance the customer experience. Using tools like Zoho PageSense, you can track customers’ behavior and view their interaction and the extent of those interactions with both static and dynamic element of your website. With all this information or analytics, you can easily prioritize your content.

Break Those Repetitive Experiences

Coming out of your monotony is a great feeling, isn’t it? This applies to your customers as well. Nobody likes a repetitive experience, therefore it’s important that you delight your customers with surprises every now and then.

You need to humanize your brand, and showing gratification is a significant way to achieve that. A proper thank you can easily lift the spirits of a buyer.

‘Getting Pleasant Surprises’ is a good way for customers to experience your brand. Therefore, it’s important for you to understand your visitors’ personas, their buying patterns, and history.

Using tools like SocialRank:

  • You can analyze the demographic data and zero in on your target audience that will react positively to a surprise.

  • Selecting the right place or platform for your campaign to kick off becomes easier.

  • You can set the timeframe for your campaign and decide when the campaign should be active and for how long.


To achieve your sales objectives, you need to give Analytics its due.

Let’s sum up the writeup.

It’s better to use session recordings to zero in on shortcomings, before officially launching your product.

Gather behavioral data and buff up customer touchpoints.

Last but not least, keep surprising and delighting your customers, based on their buying patterns.

Sadanand is a content curator and strategist. He understands the Startup gamut, be it ideation, product development, team building, sales, or marketing, and likes to keep up with the trend. His lucid writing style makes up for an intriguing read. His writeups are greatly followed and admired in various communities.

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