Meet the Top 10 Future Technologies Saving Our World

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Every day, innovators around the world come up with new ideas to make our future brighter. Think of it, 50 years ago, the idea of connecting to almost any corner of the planet was unthinkable, yet here you are, keeping the world at the tip of your finger. Isn’t it fascinating to see that we can now conquer any challenge with the art of technology? 

I say we are privileged to live in the times where tech can assist us in making our lives easier and better. Let’s throw some light on the digital transformation that we witnessed in the past few years. Here are few mind-boggling facts for you: 

  • According to the study of ITU (International Telecommunication Union), more than 75% of the world population uses the Internet. 
  • This population results in 5.6 billion daily searches on Google. 
  • Due to such demand, 570 new websites are launched every minute in the web development industry. 
  • Wait till you read this; Over 90% of the entire world’s data is generated in just the last couple of years. 

By the time you process this information, thousands of websites, applications and software will be ready to be introduced to the audience. With such massive data growing faster than ever, it is impossible to predict what will happen next. However, I am certain of one thing. We are at the beginning of a tech revolution that will touch every business and every life on earth. 

Pace Up your Business with Today! 

Looking at the changes, businesses of all sizes are trying to modify how they operate. This somehow seems right because the end goal of every business is to offer a seamless experience to its users. So coming to my point, our businesses need to pace up with the constant change around. To make that happen, you do not need to look anywhere else. I have all the major future technologies of the year right in this article. Take a look and analyze which tech solution your enterprise needs so that you do not miss any latest technology trends. 

Here, we will talk about: 

  1. IoB (Internet of Behavior)
  2. 5G Technology
  3. DevSecOps
  4. Intelligent Process Automation
  5. Tactile VR
  6. Big Data Analytics
  7. Human Augmentation
  8. Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS)
  9. CyberSecurity
  10. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

I know, these technologies sound more like a Hollywood movie plot right now. But they are way more interesting than their names. So without making you wait anymore, let’s catch up with them. Shall we?

IoB (Internet of Behavior)

Internet of Behaviour is the extension of IoT. This can be explained with a very simple example. You can easily track the online movements and the geographical location of your user through their smartphone. It is not hard for companies to link smartphones with other systems. Suddenly they can know a lot about their customers within seconds. Their dislikes, interests, purchases can be tracked. 

All of this information becomes user behaviour, aka Internet of Behavior. You can use this info to target your campaigns effectively or get personalized products and services to make your users happy. 

So, basically, IoT is at the bottom of the pyramid that gathers user data and turns it into a set of information. IoB then helps turn this info into knowledge. This knowledge will help you understand your audience on a personal level. For now, most organizations use IoB and IoT to observe and analyze the pattern in purchasing behaviour. 

Several experts and marketers in IT technology believe that this can be the key to personalized service. The more effective your service gets, the more your user will engage. Hence! Happy customer and happy you. 

  • Organizations currently investing in IoB: Microsoft, IBM, Cloudera, AWS, HP, Cisco, SAP etc. 

5G Technology

The next-gen solution of cellular networks and services is 5G technology. The 5th generation network is on the lease of providing 10 Gbps uplink and 20 Gbps downlink, which is at least 40 times faster than the current 4G LTE. This is huge news that can open new doors to network operations, customer services and user experience. The 5G market is led by Switzerland, closely followed by the US and South Korea.

The good news doesn’t end here. 5G wireless technology delivers ultra-low latency, massive network capacity, more reliability, increased availability and a uniform experience to everyone. With the help of 5G, you get to connect with new industries and expand into new service areas. 

Latest statistics from suggest that the 5G value chain (operations, content creations, web app development, OEMs etc.) alone can support approximately 22.8 million jobs. Hence, the future of our economy is safe and sound, all thanks to this technology. 

  • Organizations investing in 5G: Deloitte, Nokia, Intel, Qualcomm, Ericsson etc. 


DevSecOps is an acronym for Development, security and operations. This technology clearly emphasizes on thinking about infrastructure security and application from the start. This means one needs to select the right tools to integrate security and help meet other operational goals constantly. 

Sounds quite confusing, right?

In a way, a good DevSecOps strategy is to conduct a benefit or risk analysis and determine risk tolerance. This technology answers various questions like:

  1. How many security controls are necessary for your app?
  2. How important is speed when it comes to marketing for different apps?
  3. Does your app support automated tasks? 

This is how DevSecOps maintains development cycles, implements security protocols with minimal disruption to operations. 

  • Organizations investing in DEvSecOps: Dell, NASA, Capgemini, Amazon, Oracle etc. 

Intelligent Process Automation 

This technology is purely based on the principle that “Anything that can be automated should be automated”. This year, one more interesting phenomenon is added to the field of Robotics process automation- IPA (Intelligent Process Automation). In a nutshell, IPA helps the bots leverage machine learning capabilities, Artificial Intelligence and Big data. 

As our human mind learns and evolves from previous mistakes, the case is similar to these bots. IPA offers a broader strategy to make the most out of bots. An assembly line is created when you combine an emerging robot with the information belt. This line digitizes every organizational process. Now you add AI to the top of this process, and Voila! You own the master of technologies in your hands. 

  • Companies currently investing in IPA: Microsoft, AWS, KPMG. 

Tactile VR 

We are all aware of the Virtual Reality feature that creates a simulated environment for us. However, that is just watching and hearing the process in multi-dimensions. 

What if I tell you that you can even touch these dimensions and feel like you are really in there? 

Touch gives us a deeper understanding of things that can not be entirely experienced by watching or hearing. That’s where Tactile VR comes to our rescue. The technology combines several other systems such as advanced optics, sensors etc., that digitizes your content into real time-space. Overcome the touch barrier with the new Haptic/ Tactile technology. 

If you want to see yourself wearing the Tactile technology, here’s a video for you that shows all the exciting features it contains. 

  • Organizations investing in Tactile VR: Cisco, Oculus, Virtuix etc. 

Big Data Analytics 

Big Data Analytics was a hit since the day it was introduced. We see a lot of enterprises today adapting to Big Data to strengthen their data storage and processing. When users wish for new software technologies to save them from the crisis in times of pandemic, Big Data brings X- Analytics

X- Analytics is a technology trend widely used to find solutions to climate change, wildlife protection and disease prevention. Not just this, Big Data has also offered “Decision Intelligence” that allows data engineers to execute and monitor decision models. In short, process the future business behaviour and outcomes. 

In fact, it’s expected that by 2023, more than 35% of large scale companies will rely on Decision Intelligence Analytics. 

  • Companies currently investing in Big Data Analytics: Spotify, Adobe, Google, Amazon, Starbucks etc. 

Human Augmentation 

Humans love to experiment with science and technology to enhance their life experiences. Their curiosity has now led us to – “Human Augmentation”. This is basically blending AI to human intelligence and taking it to another level. 

The objective of human augmentation is to help people with medical disabilities and to cure their sickness by experimenting with their genes. 

This field of study can intensify human abilities through medicine and technology. It also creates multiple opportunities for other creative functions. For instance- A company, Neuralink, aims to build a powerful brain-machine interface that processes a considerable amount of data from the brain. This can help them understand the cognitive functioning of the disability. 

It sounds like Human Augmentation might be our Present and Future. 

  • Companies investing in Human Augmentation: Ekso, Google, Neuralink etc. 

Everything-as-a-service (XaaS)

As the name suggests, this technology changes anything and everything into a service. The primary goal of XaaS is to increase the value for the customer. In the XaaS model, your business can convert one-time buyers to service subscribers to keep receiving ongoing benefits from the product. This makes your user feel that his money is being put to good use. 

XaaS can be incorporated into your business in many ways. 

  1. IT-as-a-service
  2. Database-as-a-service
  3. Infrastructure-as-a-service
  4. Function-as-a-service

As these services become more portable, you get the flexibility to customize your business environment. 

  • Organizations investing in XaaS: Google Cloud, HPC, AWS, Microsoft Azure etc. 

Cyber Security 

Yes! I understand Cyber Security isn’t new and that you are already familiar with this technology. However, its trends are definitely new. Thousands of enterprises undergo a digital transformation and make a web presence every day. In order to create a secure internet space, Cyber Security is here to stay for a long time. So how about we explore some of its latest trends? 

  • VDN (Virtual Dispersive Network)

This trend is really a unique approach to Cyber Security. Here a signal is integrated into your data in the form of quantum packets that cannot be read without disrupting its content. Hence, no one can seize your data without making changes to it. 

  • Blockchain CyberSecurity 

This tech is a more responsive approach that centralizes and distributes your content in a manner that no one can disturb.

Now that cyber incidents have become common, it is starting to dawn on organizations that these trends are no more a luxury but a necessity. 

  • Companies investing in Cybersecurity: IBM, Google, RedHat, CISCO etc. 

Artificial Intelligence

I am glad we made it till here. AI is always going to be on the list of emerging technologies since it keeps evolving. AI continues to solve issues with scalability and maintainability. Over the last few years, we see the complexity of the latest software technology increasing. However, with the latest trends of AI, the TeamOps and other departments are precisely benefiting. 

Every single organization in web development aims to invest in the best AI solutions. 

Be the Part of the Revolution! 

If technology is willing to offer us so much, it becomes our responsibility to embrace its uncertainty and potential to create a sustainable future. Amidst this technological progress, let us keep innovating and creating opportunities for others. It’s high time we join this digital revolution. Are you ready? 

Shivangi is a Technical Content Writer at Hestabit. She is a dedicated one and a lifelong learner with an evergreen curiosity to learn new things. She uses her skilled research and technical expertise to come up with content valuable to the audience. She is a writer by day and a reader by night who loves exploring the marketing world.

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